Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero: CASA Pinellas
February 6, 2025
August 9, 2021
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet LenoreWinston Churchill once stated, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” CASA volunteer, Lenore Duchnowski epitomizes this statement as she has been giving of herself at CASA since 2016, and is ready to begin again after a short break due to the pandemic. Through the years, CASA has relied on Lenore to help out at our shelter assisting with duplicating Rapid Rehousing intake packets, helping to sort gifts and making gift bags for our Hope for the Holidays drive and putting together toiletry bags for survivors at Outreach and Shelter, just to name a few volunteer assignments. According to our Permanent Support Housing Manager, Cynthia Ivey, she has, “taken on any assigned tasks necessary to help make it easier for CASA staff to perform their jobs more easily.” When asked what she enjoyed most about volunteering at CASA Lenore responded, “It’s the people … the staff and all those at the shelter. There is such a genuine interest in helping and giving to others.” Her willingness to help CASA realize its vision of a domestic violence free society translates into a life well-lived which is why Lenore Duchnowski is in the “Volunteer Spotlight” for August!