Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero: CASA Pinellas
February 6, 2025
March 30, 2020
Remember Bob BarnumWe are deeply saddened by the news of Bob Barnum’s passing due to complications from COVID-19.
CASA is made of many dynamic volunteers – some working in the trenches while others serve in a leadership role. CASA’s Volunteers serve as the 3rd leg of a stool – supporting along with the staff and community – those we serve.
Leadership volunteers help set the strategic direction of CASA as well as serve as ambassadors in the community – speaking out about services, engaging others to join the cause and fundraising.
Bob Barnum was one of our dear and cherished Leadership Volunteers. He lived CASA’s mission and vision. In all the various positions held over his 9 years serving on the CASA Board, he was consistently passionate, funny, candid, genuine and loving. As a community leader, he opened up doors for CASA, raised money, and enlisted individuals who became board members. He was never shy about sharing why he was passionate and was willing to refocus conversations back to CASA’s core issue – providing services to those seeking safety.
His legacy and contributions continue; however, CASA asks you to #StandUpToSilence in Bob’s honor, as we have lost his voice.
To make a donation in Bob’s honor click here