Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero: CASA Pinellas
February 6, 2025
September 17, 2018
Is it Time Yet?Horrified. Again. Overwhelmed again. CASA offers our deepest condolences to all the families affected by the murders committed last Wednesday in Parkland’s high school.
What do more than half of all mass shootings since 2009 have in common? Domestic Violence. (Source: Everytown for Gun Safety.) In fact, perpetrators of domestic violence account for 1 in 10 crimes of all gun violence.
– The Orlando shooter? History of domestic violence.
– The Texas shooter? History of domestic violence.
– The Parkland shooter? The killer had been abusive to his ex-girlfriend and was expelled from school over a fight with her new boyfriend.(Sources: Boston Globe and NPR)
Imagine a world where half of all mass shooters were held accountable for crimes committed before they became mass shooters. Imagine a world where people were safe in their own homes, free from physical, emotional and financial abuse.
So what does that mean?
1. Control the Conversation.
Don’t let people get away with saying:
“Sure, but he’s great at his job!”
“It’s a private matter.”
“It’s none of our business.”
“She just needs time to cool off.”
“He doesn’t really mean the horrible things that he says.”
Instead use these:
“Domestic violence is a crime. It is committed by criminals. Criminal behavior should not be tolerated.”
“Emotional, financial and physical violence are unnacceptable.”
2. Get Involved
Use your time, talents and funds to support programs helping domestic violence survivors and preventing violence in the first place..
3. Get Your Kids Involved Too
Teach empathy at a young age by engaging them in projects helping others. Help them see firsthand that they can create change in society.
Bring our Peacemakers Program to your child’s school to teach age appropriate Healthy Relationship curriculum. (Ask the classroom teacher to contact us at / 727-895-4912 to schedule a class. Click here to learn more.
It’s time to take Domestic Violence seriously. To learn how you can help break the cycle of violence, please contact us at / 727-895-4912.