Tampa Bay Lightning Community Hero: CASA Pinellas
February 6, 2025
February 4, 2019
An Unexpected Benefit of VolunteeringA lasting, meaningful friendship…
Volunteering offers many benefits – the internal satisfaction you feel knowing you’re making a lasting impact on your community is among the most talked about. However, the benefit we often fail to recognize is the reward of meeting new people and making true, long-lasting friendships. Lenore (pictured on the right) met Judy when she began volunteering for CASA in 2015. Judy had been an active volunteer with CASA since 2013 and made an effort to make Judy, who was new to the area, feel welcomed and supported. While both women found they had many things in common, both Lenore and Judy found a shared passion for direct-service with participants who reside in the CASA shelter. This connection helped to solidify their bond as friends and they often find themselves meeting for lunch and discussing ways they can help improve the experience and processes for CASA participants. Interested in learning more about CASA’s volunteer program? Contact Kelly Steele, Volunteer Manager, at